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Pica to pixel: the print to web transformation of the UBC academic calendar

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Thesis type
(Project Report) M.Pub.
Date created
This project report details the period of time in which the UBC Academic Calendar was discontinued as a series of printed books. Following this change, as staff strove to implement improved full-service websites to publish this content, they began to consider how to make an online Calendar that could evolve with web technology. This consideration resulted in the prioritization of workflow in order to improve the website’s content, editorial process, navigation, and design. This report illuminates the differences of the online publication verses print models. To ensure a broad scope, the content is based largely on statements from personnel working for Enrolment Services as well as my own experience as an employee involved in the process for a period of eight years. It concludes with recommendations for best practices when updating online publications with legacy content.
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Copyright is held by the author.
Scholarly level
Member of collection
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ETD4566.pdf 6.07 MB

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