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From 'Loser-Cruiser' to 'Winner-Bago': increasing transit ridership in Kelowna, BC

Resource type
Thesis type
(Project) M.P.P.
Date created
This study examines why some people in Kelowna, British Columbia choose not to travel on public transit buses and employs research findings to recommend policy options to Kelowna Regional Transit for increasing ridership. An original survey of 334 Kelowna residents testing 37 possible factors influencing ridership reveals people are less likely to use transit if they are retired, feel the system has poor connections, report buses are too slow and would not want to be seen at a bus stop. The study forwards four options to overcome these barriers: express buses, increased service, service information dissemination and increased advertising to attract retirees and combat negative stigma toward transit. After using four criteria to evaluate options relative to the status quo, the study recommends Kelowna Regional Transit better distribute information about existing bus services then increase anti-stigma advertising.
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Copyright is held by the author.
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etd4450_ASchubel.pdf 1.67 MB

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