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Creating a transit generation: the effect of the U-Pass on lifelong transit use

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Thesis type
(Project) M.P.P.
Date created
This study examines how the U-Pass impacts transit usage after graduation. The primary source of information for this study is derived from an original survey that was developed and administered to Simon Fraser University Alumni regarding both current and school period transit use frequency. The data revealed that the U-Pass does play an important role in post-graduation transit use, which in turn can influence lifestyle choices. To extend the success of the program, it is recommended that a three-step approach be taken. First, an alumni pass for former U-Pass holders be made available to encourage the continued use of transit after graduation. Second, the U-Pass should be extended to other universities and colleges in the region, and service costs should be factored into the price paid by all students. And third, TransLink and the province of BC should work towards introducing a region-wide universal pass.
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