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Business improvement areas in British Columbia

Resource type
Thesis type
(Research Project) M.Urb.
Date created
While most British Columbians have probably never heard of Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) most have been in commercial districts that they oversee. With approximately 57 BIAs in British Columbia today, BIAs have become de facto another level of government and are a fundamental part of the governance structure of many urban communities. The utilization of BIAs as a development tool raises important practical and theoretical questions about the use of public space, governance, public policy, municipal service delivery, and economic development. However, these questions cannot be addressed without a substantial pool of empirical data and analysis. This research project reports the result of a questionnaire survey of British Columbia BIAs. It catalogues and analyzes BIA structures, priorities, services, activities, and accountability measures, laying a foundation for better understanding of the variation, differentiation, and structural evolution of BIAs in the Province.
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