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Strategies, tools and processes for succession planning: Analysis of the BC ministry of forests and range succession planning initiative

Resource type
Thesis type
(Research Project) M.B.A.
Date created
Author (aut): Allen, Sheila
Succession Planning is fast becoming an urgent issue facing today's organizations. Looming mass retirements due to the baby boomer generation means that organizations can expect to lose knowledgeable and experienced workers and finding replacements will be difficult as mass retirements force a labour shortage. Consequently, many organizations are creating succession plans. In an investigation of the British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range Succession Plan, internal documents and previous government surveys were analyzed, and stakeholder interviews were conducted to assess the Ministry's readiness to adapt and implement this project. This investigation concludes that the Ministry's plans are thorough, yet many opportunities for improvement exist. Additionally, this succession research provides strategies, tools, and processes for successful succession planning and discusses recommendations.
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