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Informing the development of a prevention intervention targeting men who have sex with men (MSM) with acute HIV infection: a report based on review of literature and interviews with strategic informants

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Thesis type
(Project) M.Sc.
Date created
To inform the development of a prevention intervention targeted to MSM with acute HIV infection (AHI), we conducted a literature review and strategic informant interviews with a sample of care providers and community leaders who serve the gay community in British Columbia. The literature indicated that interventions based on at least one behavioural change theory or model using multiple delivery methods with greater intervention exposure may have greater effectiveness. Strategic informants felt that the intervention should be delivered by counsellors who possess an in depth awareness of gay culture and sexuality and the ability to provide emotional support to persons with AHI. Informants believed that if MSM with AHI felt supported it would provide them with the basis to utilize knowledge gained in counselling to develop skills and self-efficacy in relation to safer sex. A key concern identified by the informants was stigmatization implied by language used to describe AHI.
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