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The blogosphere in China: how blogs reflect and act as a catalyst for change

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Thesis type
(Project) M.A.
Date created
Author (aut): Law, Eugene I-Hung
The present Chinese government maintains a monopoly on information distribution in order to control the flow of information to the populace. With the growing urban population and advent of electronic communications technologies, communications between citizens without the interference of government control is facilitated. Although the central government still seems to keep a firm hand on dissent, with the growing popularity of blogs, and other forms of electronic communications, information can now spread very quickly. People can now access both commentary and opinion, allowing them to know what their countrymen are thinking, and to domestic and international news. The promulgation of blogs within China will; enable more discussion of both societal issues and significant events by Chinese people within China; facilitate societal and political progress, and perhaps spur governmental change; allow outsiders to engage and understand what the Chinese themselves are saying.
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