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An assessment of an anti-corruption campaign in Bangladesh

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Thesis type
(Project) M.A.
Date created
The public service is the most important front in the conflict between integrity and corruption in any country. A literature review explores models for the understanding of causes and consequences of corruption there, and appropriate measures against it. That probably no two countries have the same situation or could be improved by the same interventions indicates the complex nature of the phenomenon. A case study of Bangladesh public service corruption presents the historical and cultural context of a nation perceived in 2002 - 2005 most corrupt in the world, and compares an on-going anti-corruption campaign there with ideas in the literature. In that complex and volatile political environment a direct anti-corruption approach based squarely on legislation, institutional reform, deterrence and public education is problematical. An evaluation of the state strategy for reducing public service corruption suggests useful, less useful and neglected interventions and proposes areas for research.
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