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Cupid's arrow

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Thesis type
(Project) M.A.L.S.
Date created
Cupid’s Arrow is a new Greek Tragedy based on the stylistic guidelines laid out in Aristotle’s Poetics, and narrative source material from Ovid’s Metamorphosis and Apollonius’ Argonautica. It is a play written in iambic pentameter that conforms to the traditions of ancient Greek tragedy and can be performed by three actors (with masks) and a chorus. The play is accompanied by an introduction that examines some of the challenges of creating the adaptation, endnotes that explain mythological references and theatrical conventions, and a structural analysis that provides a scene breakdown and casting plot. In addition, an appendix looks at Aulus Gellius’ story of Polus the actor and briefly examines the relationship between ancient and modern acting technique. Keywords: Tragedy; Greek Drama; Jason; Medea; Hera; Argonautica; Apollonius
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