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Technology and design: Vancouver Magazine before and after desktop publishing

Resource type
Thesis type
(Project Report) M.Pub.
Date created
Author (aut): MacNeill, Tatiana
This report examines the nature and dynamics of the relationship between technology and design on a practical level. Prompted by technological innovation, the report investigates the ways in which technological change appears to influence the practice of design. On a theoretical level, this report draws on the work of Herbert A. Simon who provides insight into the impact of technology on design. On a practical level, the report advances the relationship between technology and design by detailing the major influences of desktop publishing on publication design in the early years of its implementation. The manifestation of technology in design is explored through an analysis of the design of Vancouver Magazine, as well as an examination of information gathered directly from the past and current art directors of Vancouver Magazine that were present before, during, and after desktop publishing to provide context to the observed changes in production technologies and their influence on the design of Vancouver Magazine.
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