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Application of the balanced scorecard framework to objectives of an industrial producer

Resource type
Thesis type
(Research Project) M.B.A.
Date created
Author (aut): Siska, Matt
The goal of this study is to use the balanced scorecard framework to improve the alignment of departmental and plant objectives, and to provide guidance for implementation of strategic objectives for a large aluminum smelter. The analysis has three main parts: a situational analysis, a review of the balanced scorecard framework, and a discussion of how the framework may assist in identifying objectives to support implementation of strategy. Opportunities were identified by attempting to qualitatively map present plant and departmental objectives into balanced scorecard framework and by discussing features of the resultant structure. The main finding is that a balanced scorecard framework can highlight opportunities for implementation of strategic activities, although the process is largely qualitative and difficult to validate. In this specific case, suggestions to improve vision, mission, objectives and measures of current plant and departmental performance metrics are presented. Risks of misapplication using the balanced scorecard are mentioned.
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