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Replicating hedge fund returns: A factor model approach

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Thesis type
(Research Project) M.A.
Date created
Author: Naser, Omar
Growth in the Hedge Fund industry mirrors the growth in the Mutual Fund industry. This raises the possibility of creating a passive strategy that replicates Hedge Fund returns at lower cost using liquid, exchange-traded instruments. Using monthly returns for the period 1991-2005 on thirteen Hedge Fund strategies, I build a linear factor models (“clones”) that replicate Hedge Fund returns. I use six common factors to determine the amount of expected return and variation in returns that can be explained by these factors alone. I find that for certain strategies “clones” outperform their Hedge Fund counterparts on an absolute basis, and clones outperform on a risk adjusted basis for all strategies. This finding merits serious consideration by institutional investors whose goals of transparency, liquidity, and lower fees conflict with those of Hedge Funds.
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