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Asian pharmaceutical industry analysis and market assessment for cancer drug

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Thesis type
(Research Project) M.B.A.
Date created
The project is designed to analyse the Asian pharmaceutical industry and assess the Asian cancer market for Protox’s two products: PRX321 and PRX302. First of all, I analysed the Asian pharmaceutical industry in terms of an industry map, development stage, R&D capabilities, IP protection, healthcare systems and regulatory requirements. Next, I took China as a typical example to understand the Asian pharmaceutical market. Then, I evaluated the Asian cancer drug market according to cancer prevalence, current treatments and remuneration systems. Finally, I specifically assessed Asia’s brain cancer market, prostate cancer market, and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) market in terms of market capacities, current situations and competitions. The author concluded that the Asian cancer market is lucrative and fast developing. However, it is also challenging due to low per capita healthcare spending, a lack of effective IP protection and transparent regulations, unestablished remuneration systems, and severe market competition.
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