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Cultural shift at CHC helicopter corporation: Challenges and opportunities in an era of radical change

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Thesis type
(Research Project) M.B.A.
Date created
CHC has thrived in an environment of change since inception in 1987. Changes that took place in 2005 and 2006, however, were far broader. In 2005-2006, CHC’s organizational structure changed, helicopter technology advanced, customer attitudes shifted and corporate strategy changed. Additionally, CHC founder, controlling shareholder and Executive Chairman Craig L. Dobbin died. These changes were taxing for CHC’s senior management team, which shrank over the 2005-2006 period but successfully managed most major change issues. CHC’s long-term position in the helicopter services industry remains strong. In the short term, challenges remain. Cultural change within CHC has not been addressed. This project examines how recent changes impact the short-term and long-term strength of CHC and how ongoing cultural change may affect the company’s performance. It recommends that additional resources be added to the senior executive team to address short-term challenges such as cash flow, employee retention and recruitment.
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