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The effects of selenium on westslope cutthroat trout reproduction and development

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Thesis type
(Project) M.E.T.
Date created
This study examined the effects of Se on the development of Westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi). Twelve fish from an exposed site (Clode Pond) and 16 fish from a reference site (O’Rourke Lake) were captured near a coal mine in British Columbia. Egg Se concentrations ranged from 12.3 to 16.7 and 16.1 to 140.0 µg/g dry weight (dw) in fish collected from the reference site and exposed site, respectively. Previous studies have not shown Se to effect fertilization, however in this study, eggs with Se concentrations >83.3 µg/g dw were not successfully fertilized, while eggs with concentrations >46 and
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