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Assisted living in BC: effects of organizational factors on residents’ satisfaction

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Thesis type
(Project) M.A.
Date created
In British Columbia, Assisted Living has been at the forefront of housing options for older adults due to their growing numbers and inadequate housing and health care resources to accommodate them. Assisted Living is a potential viable alternative for relatively high functioning seniors. Fraser Health Authority, one of the largest health regions, anticipates the creation of up to 1200 units by the end of 2007. This study examines residents’ satisfaction levels in Assisted Living facilities in Fraser Health Authority, and the extent to which organizational factors influence their satisfaction. Data were collected in interviews with 52 residents residing in funded beds in 10 for-profit and non-profit Assisted Living facilities. Site managers/administrators completed organizational factors’ surveys. Results indicate that residents were generally satisfied with the care received. Organizational factors did not appear to influence residents’ satisfaction. This study assists in exploring AL residents’ experiences and identifies areas for further study.
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