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Have you ever wanted to change?

Resource type
Thesis type
(Project) M.F.A.
Date created
A person decides that there is something about themselves that they would like to change'. This is the primary problematic of this project. What motivates self-development? What makes it seem an imperative? How is it enacted? To address these questions, the project incorporates the work of artists who impose a regime on their daily life as an art practice. Loosely framed as 'durational performance', these artists create a set of limits or tasks that must be carried out through a disciplinary regime of some kind. The project argues that these practices mark a critical engagement with the notion of self-development within the context of neo-liberal individualism. Three forms of research are employed: written essays, interviews with artists who carry out these projects, and a series of self-imposed regimes documented through video, contracts and photography.
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Scholarly level
Member of collection
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