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A "clustered" look at the British Columbian film and television industry

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Thesis type
(Research Project) M.B.A.
Date created
BC’s film and television production sector depends on a practical subsidy system for the capital to produce its product. Although the film and television funding system in Canada is adequate, it could certainly be improved. This project will examine the film and television industry in BC. This maturing industry needs innovative strategies to create sustainable long term growth. Believing in the theory that it is necessary to understand the past before you can move forward, this project will look at the history of film and television tax incentives in Canada. With this base knowledge, a comparison of our history will be made against the current successful tax incentives in Belgium. Belgium’s system was built based on the successes and challenges experienced by Canada, most often considered a leader in the industry and we have much to gain from incorporating the lessons learned to build a strategy for our future.
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