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You do have choices : a practical guide to financial decisions for women of all ages

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Reliable information is an important source of financial power for women of all ages. Throughout your life, you make a wide range of financial and other decisions that have a long lasting impact on your future security. Perhaps you are making decisions right now without realizing that you have many choices. We wrote this booklet to help remedy that information gap. We hope it will guide you in planning a more secure financial future. The information in this booklet is for you whether you are in the labour force, self-employed, or do unpaid work at home. Whether or not you work for pay, you need to know about income security programs and how your husband or partner's decisions will affect your life.Contents: Introduction; PART ONE - When You Are In A Relationship: Living Common-law; How a Relationship Can Affect You Financially; If Your Relationship Breaks Down-Separation and Divorce; Child Support; Spousal Support; Dividing Assets; Dividing Pension Benefits; Dividing Canada Pension Plan Benefits. PART TWO-When You Are in the Work Force: Employment Trends; Time Out From Paid Work; What Working Women Need To Know; Employment Standards; Union Agreements; Planning While You Are Working; Keeping Your Skills Sharp; Job Counselling. PART THREE-When You Are Out of Work: Employment Insurance (El); Social Assistance. PART FOUR-Planning Your Retirement: Deciding When to Retire; What's Available When You Retire; Government Benefits; Old Age Security; Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS); Spouse's Allowance & the Widowed Spouse's Allowance; Canada Pension Plan; Regular Retirement Benefits; Survivor & Death Benefits; Applying Early for CPP; Workplace Pensions (Registered Pension Plans); Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs); Key Points to Remember; Working Together for Change. Conclusion. Resources.
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