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E-LIS: the Open Archive for Library and information Science

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E-LIS is an open access archive for library and information science.
With over 5,800 documents as of June 2007 (over 5,000 in February
2007 when the archive was investigated in-depth), E-LIS is the
world’s largest archive for LIS. Over half the documents in ELIS are
peer-reviewed. E-LIS is particularly strong in English and Spanish
language documents, but supports over 22 languages. With this
multilingual support and a global team of volunteer editors, E-LIS
has significant diversity in content, an advantage over traditional,
english-based LIS resources. Not surprising, this tool designed by
and for librarians features robust and userfriendly search options.
Lack of phrase searching, and pointing to a cross-archiving searching
tool no longer supported when much better options are available, are
identified as areas for improvement.
Alternative location in E-LIS:
Copyright statement
Copyright is held by the author(s).
Member of collection
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