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Sparse hensel lifting algorithms for multivariate polynomial factorization

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Thesis type
(Thesis) Ph.D.
Date created
Author: Chen, Tian
Let π‘Ž be a polynomial in β„€[π‘₯₁, . . . , π‘₯β‚™] that is represented by a black box. In this thesis, we have designed and implemented a new factorization algorithm that, on input of the black box, outputs the irreducible factors of π‘Ž in the sparse representation. Our new algorithm based on sparse Hensel lifting applies equally well to general multivariate polynomials, both sparse and dense. We first designed the algorithm for π‘Ž being monic in π‘₯₁ and square-free, then completed the factorization problem by considering π‘Ž being non-monic, non-square-free, and non-primitive. Our algorithm first finds the factors of the primitive part of π‘Ž, then the factors of the content of π‘Ž in the main variable π‘₯₁. We implemented our algorithm in Maple with some subroutines in C. A variety of timing benchmarks are presented. All our timings are much faster than the current best determinant and factorization algorithms in Maple and Magma. We also present a worst-case complexity analysis of our new black box factorization algorithm, along with a failure probability analysis. The case for large integer coefficients has also been considered.
118 pages.
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Copyright is held by the author(s).
This thesis may be printed or downloaded for non-commercial research and scholarly purposes.
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Monagan, Michael
Member of collection
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