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What is Your Favourite Sound

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Author: Lin, Ming-Yu
“What is your favourite sound?” was one of the questions that I often asked. This inquiry was an invitation to share listening experiences and to start an improvisation. Students were always excited to share their experiences while answering this question. Their favourite sounds might be from a memory, a person, a place, or stood for a life routine. My students would describe the details of the sounds and how the sounds affected them, even if the sound was from an event a long time ago. These children showed good abilities to perceive sounds through this simple question, and their answers inspired me to guide them to listen more.  
38313-Service File.mp3
Audio file
3 min 43 sec
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Copyright is held by the author.
Scholarly level
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Research ethics approval has been obtained
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What_is_your_favorite_sound-thesis.mp3 2.91 MB

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