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Conditions and Stimuli for Category VR

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This video file provides a demonstration of how participants in the associated Master's Thesis would have experienced each of the four conditions in the experiment. Participants were asked to examine a series of cubes, and determine which cubes belonged to groups A, B, C, and D by referring to the three features embedded into wells on the sides of each stimulus cube. In each section of the video, a few trials are navigated to show how participants could seek information about the stimulus cube before making a category choice by grabbing the desired choice button. The chosen button then turns green if that was the correct category of the current stimulus. If the choice is incorrect, the chosen button turns red while the correct choice button turns green. Participants are given as much time as they like to look over the cube during the feedback phased before pressing the central button which begins the next trial.
38111-Service File.mp4
Video file
3 min 55 sec
Copyright statement
Copyright is held by the author.
Scholarly level
Ethics approval
Research ethics approval has been obtained
Collection period
2022 to 2023
Video file
Attachment Size SHA-1 hash
Conditions_Stimuli_CategoryVR.mp4 9.48 MB

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