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Reflections of UNDRIP in British Columbia's emerging forestry policy: The province's understanding and a closer look at old growth management

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Thesis type
(Project) M.R.M. (Planning)
Date created
The central question of this study is: how are British Columbia's (BC's) provincial Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (DRIPA) commitments being reflected in new and emerging forestry policy? This analysis outlines the provincial government's framing and understanding of the current and intended relationship with Indigenous communities, primarily First Nations, in BC. A provincial policy direction is characterized, including its level of visibility for Indigenous self-determination and governance, and also for its intention for DRIPA as a framework for reconciliation. This includes whether there has been tangible change in BC forestry since DRIPA's establishment as a foundation for future legislation and policy developments. A post- 2019 policy analysis was conducted, including thematic organization and a keyword and phrase occurrence analysis, coupled with a response and discourse analysis of First Nations' reception. The anti-logging protest events at Ada'itsx/Fairy Creek are used as an example and are closely analyzed to encompass the rapid reform in old growth forest management since the establishment of DRIPA in 2019. This research emphasizes a time sensitivity given the present receptiveness of government for DRIPA implementation as a priority, and recommendations are provided based on the findings.
90 pages.
Copyright statement
Copyright is held by the author(s).
This thesis may be printed or downloaded for non-commercial research and scholarly purposes.
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Atleo, Clifford
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