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Amplifying Indigenous voices: A comparative analysis of Indigenous publishing initiatives in Canada and Australia

Resource type
Thesis type
(Project) M.Pub.
Date created
This project report investigates ways publishing institutions and organizations in Canada and Australia support Indigenous publishing. The main objectives of this project were to connect the many organizations, institutions, and individuals who are doing work in Indigenous publishing, to compile data which may inform their work in the form of an inventory, and to make observations about the data without imposing conclusions from a settler perspective. The inventory serves as a launch point and a working document. The inventory findings show similarities in the landscapes of Indigenous publishing in Canada and Australia, but also striking differences, particularly in areas regarding financial support. This project report further explores these findings through interviews with professionals working in or adjacent to Indigenous publishing initiatives and offers observations on the emergent themes from interviews in relation to the inventory data.
64 pages.
Copyright statement
Copyright is held by the author(s).
This thesis may be printed or downloaded for non-commercial research and scholarly purposes.
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Norman, Suzanne
Member of collection
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