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Supplemental Data to "Genetic and molecular characterization of mantle cell lymphoma"

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This dataset is an Excel spreadsheet with 12 tabs. Each tab contains a set of supplementary data:
Supplementary Data 1. Mutation Frequency of MCL genes in tumour exomes. Mutation counts of panel genes. “Paired Total” is the number of mutations found in tumour-normal paired analyses (i.e., exomes and/or genomes).
Supplementary Data 2. HNRNPH1 mutations identified in newly sequenced cases (BC) and published cohorts (Wu et al., Bea et al., Agarwal et al., Khodadoust et al., Rule et al.).
Supplementary Data 3. Digital PCR primers and probes for HNRNPH1 (canonical and alternative isoforms), TBP, YWHAZ, UBC, ATCB.
Supplementary Data 4. HNRNPH1 plasmid primers.
Supplementary Data 5. Site-directed mutagenesis primers for HNRNPH1.
Supplementary Data 6. Patient metadata of MCL genomes. MCLs from Nadeau et al. or Pararajalingam, Koyle, et al. not re-published here.
Supplementary Data 7. CCND1 structural variations in MCL genomes. Obtained from Manta and converted to BEDPE format.
Supplementary Data 8. Copy number variations in MCL genomes in SEG format. Derived from Battenberg and Control-FREEC.
Supplementary Data 9. Differentially expressed genes (FDR < 0.1) within GISTIC2.0 wide peaks.
Supplementary Data 10. Structural variations in MCL genomes. Obtained from Manta and converted to BEDPE format.
Supplementary Data 11. Simple somatic mutations in MCL genomes in MAF format. Mutations restricted to coding and splicing mutations.
Supplementary Data 12. aSHM/SHM regions derived from BL/DLBCL genomes and including putative CCND1 hypermutation region.
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Copyright is held by the author(s).
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