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DIRTS- Direct Interface for Rapid Testing of Soils

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Plants are key to all life forms on earth, and soil is one of the contributing factors for the subsistence of plants. As Leonardo da Vinci once said, "We know more about the movement of celestial bodies than about the soil underfoot." To monitor the soil, Everyday Planting Solutions (EPS) is proposing an innovative take on gardening problems encountered by novice planters -the DIRTS (Direct Interface for Rapid Testing of Soil). DIRTS is a promising technology for testing humidity, acidity, temperature of given soil sample, which is displayed on user's mobile, followed by a descriptive analysis of the suggestive plant types based on the results. The provided database of the plants can be global or local based upon the users' preference. DIRTS aims to provide a general guide for people with no preceding insight about plants. It neither requires any extensive setup nor it needs to extract a sample of soil manually from the ground. The system comes with a mobile app to acquire data from the sensor so that the user can be provided with a guide about which plants to grow or not. Apart from the analyzing features, DIRTS also has the capability of watering the plants when moisture levels are low. This functionality provides the freedom to leave the plants on their own for longer periods of time without destroying them. DIRTS will not only target the household or agricultural market, but also be useful for environmentalist, landscape architectures and educational institutions. The product has the capability to innovate the gardening industry on its own
Engineering Science undergraduates are required to complete a group-based, two-course capstone sequence: ENSC 405W and ENSC 440. Groups form company structures and create an innovative product that potentially acts as a solution to a real-life problem.This collection archives the following assignments: proposal, design specifications, requirements specifications, and final presentation


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