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Paths to globalism: Technology, culture + sustainability

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Thesis type
(Project) M.A.L.S.
Date created
Author: Gene, Verna
Technological change invariably questions our long-held beliefs of human progress. In a global society, human-centricity is codified into our designs, technical action an exercise of power. Innovators, philosophers, and artists all point to ethical and environmental risks of technology as a pervasive element in our networked existence. An eco-aesthetic dimension reveals those forces illuminated in literature and the visual arts representing social functions in the pursuit of a 'good life', of a sustainable world. Imaginative and campaigning artworks of sublime landscapes carry clear messages across time and space to eclipse the civilization project for our common future and our globalized world. In the fragility of planet earth, the 'unseen' realities of a disproportionate segment impacted by population growth, income inequities, of climate change, and gentrification finds lessons for today's global citizen to revere virtuous cycles of nature, traverse eternal truths, and retain a defiant imagination.
119 pages.
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Copyright is held by the author(s).
This thesis may be printed or downloaded for non-commercial research and scholarly purposes.
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Poitras, Geoffrey
Member of collection
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