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36 Blood Alley Square: Housing histories of conflict and co-production

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Thesis type
(Project) M.Urb.
Date created
This case study examines the ways in which three distinct models of social housing were constituted through processes of conflict and coproduction between non-profits, state bodies, and private actors at one site in Vancouver. By tracking the shifting influence and capacity of activists, non-profits, planners, private developers, and state housing agencies over time through the lens of one site, I show how housing in contested neighbourhoods is produced and retained through a complex web of actors and power relations. While much urban scholarship portrays low-income neighbourhoods as passively subject to tides of capital and whims of planning, my research shows how both past and present relations between a wide array of local stakeholders collectively shape the way that macro-processes have manifested at the neighbourhood level. Finally, I suggest that the current redevelopment offers a 'space of hope' in balancing the broad goals of the neighbourhood.
121 pages.
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Copyright is held by the author(s).
This thesis may be printed or downloaded for non-commercial research and scholarly purposes.
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Ferguson, Karen
Member of collection
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