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Addressing data gaps in off-reserve housing need: A case-study with the Metlakatla Cumulative Effects Management Program

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Thesis type
(Project) M.R.M. (Planning)
Date created
With recent government engagement in addressing housing unaffordability across BC and Canada, community-based data collection is needed to capitalize on resource support to design strategic and creative housing solutions. However, existing policy and tools are insufficient to address First Nation housing data needs. In 2020, a project team of SFU researchers and Metlakatla staff performed a housing needs assessment to support the Metlakatla Cumulative Effects Management (CEM) Program. The housing needs assessment focused on Metlakatla renters in Prince Rupert and used data from a community census designed within the CEM Program. The Metlakatla housing assessment demonstrates a method of data collection for housing need that is embedded in a community-governance framework and is an example of the role First Nation governments can play in addressing their members' housing needs off-reserve. This report presents the Metlakatla case study by outlining the governance framework and context in which this housing needs assessment took place, the process followed, results and recommendations, and the key lessons for others working to address housing data gaps their communities.
73 pages.
Copyright statement
Copyright is held by the author(s).
This thesis may be printed or downloaded for non-commercial research and scholarly purposes.
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Gunton, Tom
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