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The places we carry

Thesis type
(Project) M.F.A.
Date created
THE PLACES WE CARRY combines windows, texts, and images to perform like a memoir of fragmented images of place and time. These images, are representations of the immediate urban landscape that has surrounded me since moving to Canada, which are fractured, displaced and repositioned within the gallery space. Together, the three handmade books, a video and the site-specific installation build a dialogue both within and outside of the site. The piece interacts with its architecture, its built environment, and the sun's movement. Alluding to a window's dual quality of inside and outside as a symbol of interconnection that both reveals and dissolves invisible barriers, I map my attempts to understand the complexity of defining, sustaining, encountering, and accepting a place as a social complex rather than a geographical identity. By collecting windows across Vancouver, by stitching, painting, tracing, and binding books, and by experimenting with light, I explore the implications of individuality in relation to how a place becomes home. In these works, I attempt to weave an understanding of place and home in which each element negotiates its presence through the other.
Copyright statement
Copyright is held by the author(s).
This thesis may be printed or downloaded for non-commercial research and scholarly purposes.
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Bitter, Sabine
Member of collection
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