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Understanding sense of community in a master planned community in Richmond's Oval Village

Thesis type
(Project) M.Urb.
Date created
This research is aimed at understanding sense of community among residents of a master planned community in Richmond's Oval Village. In particular, my research investigates how affordable housing tenants of Cadence perceive the quality of their social interaction with others and their feeling of sense of community. A mixed-method approach consisting of an online survey and semi-structured phone interviews was chosen as the research design with the affordable housing tenants of Cadence to capture their experience living in a mixed-income development. Ten affordable housing tenants completed the survey and 7 of them participated in the follow-up interview. Key informant interviews were conducted with the housing operator as well as the City of Richmond staff members to supplement the findings from the tenant survey and interviews. In addition to filling the knowledge gap around whether master planned communities foster positive social interaction and sense of community among residents, especially in the context of a Canadian suburban city, I hope my research findings will help inform planners how mixed-income housing can be improved in terms of design and implementation to ensure it is socially inclusive and equitable for all.
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Copyright is held by the author(s).
This thesis may be printed or downloaded for non-commercial research and scholarly purposes.
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Holden, Meg
Member of collection
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