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Self-published authors and the production and distribution of audiobooks

Thesis type
(Project) M.Pub.
Date created
The lack of clarity on the audiobook publishing processes for self-published authors leaves a potential gap in the Canadian market for the creation of a new independent audiobook production service. Due to the rising popularity of audiobooks, there is a wealth of online resources available, but they offer conflicting advice and highly variable pricing information, leaving self-published authors unsure of where to start. This research presents possible audiobook production solutions for indie authors. Self-published authors were surveyed and interviewed, in order to uncover their thoughts about audiobooks as well as their priorities involved with creating an audiobook of their own. This research is analyzed alongside a literature review of current audiobook production and market trends. The audiobook production solutions proposed in this report focus on the service offerings of a specific company called TSPA The Self Publishing Agency Inc. for whom this research was initiated. This research also aims to benefit the wider publishing industry in Canada, to help foster a healthy and prosperous audiobook market.
Copyright statement
Copyright is held by the author(s).
This thesis may be printed or downloaded for non-commercial research and scholarly purposes.
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Maxwell, John W.
Member of collection
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