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Violence, policy and the law: An exploratory analysis of Crown Counsel's Domestic Violence Policy in British Columbia

Resource type
Thesis type
(Thesis) M.A.
Date created
Author (aut): Beckstead, Lori Gayle
The intent of this research was to complete an exploratory analysis of any changes in dispositions that occurred after the implementation of a new Crown Counsel policy in 2002, particularly any changes in the disposition of stay of proceedings and the use of 810 peace bonds. This research concentrated on the municipalities of Prince George, Richmond and Vancouver, British Columbia, specifically Crown Counsel K-files which indicate dispositions of domestic violence incidents, from 2000-2004. It was determined that after the change in policy there was an increase in the use of 810 peace bonds issued. While the disposition of stay of proceedings wi th no peace bond attached did decrease; however, the overall levels of this disposition did not change. Ultimately, it was determined that a longer time period needs to be considered after the introduction of policy changes for a more thorough analysis of the effects on domestic violence dispositions.
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