Date created
Author: Cheng, Kenneth
Author: Chen, Wayne
Author: Hsu, Jeff
Author: Ma, Andy
Author: Tam, Michael
Author: Yip, Gordon
Author: Beyond the Horizon
Many assisting devices have been invented to help physically disabled people. These people are confronted with many challenges that result from their disability, and mobility is the most significant challenge they have to face. Assisting devices such as wheelchairs and prosthetics are developed to improve mobility. As far as mobility is concerned, the invention of wheelchairs allows injured, handicapped, or elder people, who suffer from declined or permanently disabled mobility, to utilize wheelchairs for assisting their mobility. Unfortunately, as the wheelchair users encounter situations such as staircases or higher/lower steps while they are traveling, they often need to find elevators or ramps to be able to arrive at their destination levels. In some situations where elevators and ramps are not available or too far away, it is more convenient to have wheelchairs capable of bypassing the heights.Our goal, at Beyond The Horizon, is to create a device or a mechanism (StairCraft) that is capable of climbing up/down stairs. Eventually, StairCraft can be served as an enhancement on wheelchairs. In addition to this, our device can be applied on cargo carts. Transportation of cargos up/down stairs can be accomplished automatically. Consequently, human labour can be reduced and workplace accidents/injuries can be avoided.
Undergraduate Engineering students are required to complete a group-based, two-course capstone sequence: ENSC 405W and ENSC 440. Groups form company structures and create an innovative product that potentially acts as a solution to a real-life problem. This collection archives the following assignments: proposal, design specifications, requirements specifications, and proof of concept.
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