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Equipoise [wheel chair stability system]

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Many experts and scientist are convinced that the human balance system is our true sixth sense. Most people do not give their sense of equilibrium a second thought, but without balance, it is almost impossible either to get around or to live in an independent fashion. Safe Sense Technologies is confident that Equipoise can assist wheelchair users who are prone to falling as a result of impaired upper body balance. As well, we believe that Equipoise has the facility to alleviate the development of pressure sores. Equipoise will provide its users a higher degree of comfort and security, and allow incapacitated individuals to engage in their day to day activities with a greater sense of comfort and liberation. 
Undergraduate Engineering students are required to complete a group-based, two-course capstone sequence: ENSC 405W and ENSC 440.  Groups form company structures and create an innovative product that potentially acts as a solution to a real-life problem.  This collection archives the following assignments: proposal, design specifications, requirements specifications, and proof of concept.
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