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TransNet RFID System [smart Translink system]

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The TransNet RFID System is intended for use by TransLink in detecting fare evaders and improving security aboard SkyTrains in a cost-effective way. It is also a system intended to make fare payments more convenient for passengers by eliminating the need for physical barriers (found in many fare-card systems). This system will count the number of paying and non-paying passengers boarding a public transit vehicle. TransLink can then use this information to find locations where fare evaders are present. By seeing how many people are boarding in certain locations and seeing how many resources, such as buses, are allocated to that location, TransLink can further utilize this data to send more buses as they are needed.
Undergraduate Engineering students are required to complete a group-based, two-course capstone sequence: ENSC 405W and ENSC 440.  Groups form company structures and create an innovative product that potentially acts as a solution to a real-life problem.  This collection archives the following assignments: proposal, design specifications, requirements specifications, and proof of concept.
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