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Fall Assist [fall notification device]

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Falls are a major concern for elderly people living on their own. Statistics show that approximately one in every three adults 65 years old or older fall each year and 30% of the falls result in serious injury. The United Nations predicts that by 2035, 25% of the world population will be aged 65 years or older as the baby boomers age. Quick detection of a fall can lower the rate of mortality and increase the chances of survival.Fall Assist will give seniors back their independence and ability to live alone by eliminating the fear of falling. It will automatically detect when a fall has occurred and alert an emergency contact via text message that their assistance is needed.  This reduces the time spent waiting for help to arrive. Consequently, Fall Assist will lessen the severity of injuries sustained during the fall and will ensure that help is brought to those in need when they are unable to call for it themselves.
Undergraduate Engineering students are required to complete a group-based, two-course capstone sequence: ENSC 405W and ENSC 440.  Groups form company structures and create an innovative product that potentially acts as a solution to a real-life problem.  This collection archives the following assignments: proposal, design specifications, requirements specifications, and proof of concept.
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