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QuickPost [mailbox system]

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For most apartments and office buildings, mailboxes tend to be placed on the ground level while for some residential neighbourhoods, the mailboxes are placed at a designated but inconvenient location. In these cases, people tend to walk or drive to their mailboxes every few days to retrieve their mail. Unfortunately, receiving unwanted mail (such as fliers) are common occurrences and may frustrate recipients who spend their time and energy collecting their mail. Travelling to an empty mailbox is especially frustrating for seniors and people with disabilities as walking or driving are not easy tasks for them. Furthermore, there is the issue of missing a package delivery. If the recipient is not present for their delivery, the courier will either leave the package on the ground or notify the recipient of a pickup location for their package. The former presents a security issue while the latter presents an inefficient method of delivery (for both courier and the recipient).Smart Post Solutions hopes to bring an end to the preceding issues with QuickPost. QuickPost aims to notify the receiver that mail has been placed in their mailbox. An additional task is to provide visual feedback by sending images of the mailbox contents to differentiate between junk and meaningful mail. The second component of QuickPost aims to provide a secure and hassle-free method of package delivery. With QuickPost's parcel container, couriers can drop packages off even if the recipient is not present. The container will remain locked until it is unlocked by the intended recipient. Additional security measures (e.g. alarm, camera, load sensors) are implemented in case anyone who is unauthorized attempts to open the container. 
Undergraduate Engineering students are required to complete a group-based, two-course capstone sequence: ENSC 405W and ENSC 440.  Groups form company structures and create an innovative product that potentially acts as a solution to a real-life problem.  This collection archives the following assignments: proposal, design specifications, requirements specifications, and proof of concept.
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