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Mira [virtual fitting mirror]

Date created
Author: Zhang, Alex
Author: Lu, Eden
Author: Yu, Nick
Author: F-air
Unlike the ordinary shopping experience, online shopping lacks the procedure of "trying the product". This sometimes leads to dissatisfaction and returning of the product. According to research by University of California, Berkeley, 20-30% of the items ordered online will be returned, where 70% of the total returned apparels and accessories are related to the fitting issue. This problem causes additional transportation waste (for mailing back the product to retailer).To solve the issue, F-air introduces its new product Mira. Mira is a tiny portable device that performs same functionality as a Mira but allows users to try online clothes on their own bodies. It is small, which makes it easy for installation and has relatively cheaper production cost comparing to other similar devices in the market. With these properties, F-air believes it can be more accessible to general population. 
Undergraduate Engineering students are required to complete a group-based, two-course capstone sequence: ENSC 405W and ENSC 440.  Groups form company structures and create an innovative product that potentially acts as a solution to a real-life problem.  This collection archives the following assignments: proposal, design specifications, requirements specifications, and proof of concept.
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