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Establishing the need for a targeted approach to adult education policy

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Thesis type
(Project) M.P.P.
Date created
This study assesses the need for a more targeted policy approach towards adult learning. Using evidence based on the 1994 International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS ’94), it demonstrates that a substantial number of working age Canadians do not have the necessary education and literacy skills needed to succeed in the knowledge economy. Because of this, many Canadians in the low skill category are economically disadvantaged as they are poorly equipped for the complex economy of the 21st century. This paper argues for a targeted approach to identify those who are most in need of additional education and skills training and to provide them with the necessary opportunities for skills upgrading. To achieve this objective, this paper calls for a national strategy, whereby in partnership with the provinces and territories, employers and unions, communities, and other stakeholders, supplemental education and training opportunities are made available to those most in need
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