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A meta analysis of the predictors of sexual recidivism in juvenile sexual offenders

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Thesis type
(Thesis) M.A.
Date created
Author (aut): McCann, Kristie
It is unclear whether risk factors that predict sexual recidivism in adults are the same for juveniles. Most studies have been based on small samples of juvenile sex offenders and analyzed a limited number of risk factors. Eighteen studies were used in a meta analysis of sexual and general recidivism in juveniles. Studies included were characterized by: a sample of juveniles; a longitudinal design with follow up period; a measure of sexual recidivism; risk factors assessed for a relationship to sexual recidivism; and bivariate relationships were given. Overall strength of association between risk factors and sexual recidivism was calculated. Results suggest that sexual recidivism is low (12%), and most re-offended generally (53%). Sexual deviancy and antisocial traits are significantly related to sexual recidivism, and victim characteristics are good predictors of sexual re-offending. The mean effect sizes found were low, raising questions about correctly predicting risk of sexually re-offending in juveniles.
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