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A case for collaboration: producing and marketing Bloomsbury Children’s books in the UK, US and Germany

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Thesis type
(Project Report) M.Pub.
Date created
London-based Bloomsbury Publishing has recently established offices in the US and Germany and regularly collaborates with them to publish titles simultaneously in all three markets. This report examines how collaboration works within a specific area of the company, Bloomsbury Children’s Books, with a particular emphasis on two titles, Tanglewreck and Larklight. The report places Bloomsbury in historical and present context and gives a sense of some of its concerns and initiatives for the future. It talks in general about the benefits of collaboration and discusses the general systems that are in place to support the practice. The report examines the international publication of these two titles, beginning with their origin, physical form and marketing treatment in the UK, then comparing and contrasting how the US and Germany have made complementary publishing and marketing decisions.
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