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Community wellness and youth suicide in Nunavut

Resource type
Thesis type
(Project) M.P.P.
Date created
Through an analysis of community demographics, this study examines effective community-level approaches to decrease the rate of attempted and completed suicide by Inuit youth aged 15 to 24. An analysis of the 2001 Nunavut Household Survey, the 2001 Census and morbidity data, in coordination with six key stakeholder interviews, reveals the demographic reality of three communities in Nunavut: Iqaluit, Whale Cove and Qikiqtarjuaq. An analysis of international suicide prevention strategies has provided information on successful community-based programs. Results from the analysis highlight the issues facing youth in Nunavut and draws parallels to the situation of indigenous youth internationally. It is proposed that community level determinants of health can be addressed to achieve a reduction in suicide by Inuit youth while increasing community wellness. The study concludes with an analysis of policy alternatives and recommendations.
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Copyright is held by the author.
Scholarly level
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