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Defining a strategy for the Kamloops Pulp Mill to mitigate the impact of the skilled trades shortage

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Thesis type
(Research Project) M.B.A.
Date created
The Kamloops Pulp Mill uses a low cost strategy to compete in the capital-intensive kraft pulp industry. Attempts to reduce cost structures in the face of increasing global competition have resulted in workforce reductions of more than twenty-five percent in the last eight years. The Kamloops Pulp Mill’s ability to attract and retain qualified skilled tradespeople is impacted by the skilled trades shortage in Western Canada. Skilled tradespeople are the hands-on foundation of effective maintenance and equipment reliability, both essential components for the future success of the operation. This paper seeks to define a trades strategy for the Kamloops Pulp Mill. The Mill cannot rely on recruiting qualified workers from the existing labour market, so must increase the number of apprenticeships to ensure a future supply of qualified skilled tradespeople.
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