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Engaging the consumer: Building relationships and loyalty through web based media

Resource type
Thesis type
(Research Project) M.B.A.
Date created
This project examines how to build an online relationship with the target market of a local women’s apparel retailer through use of direct e-mail. Customer acquisition and customer retention are examined. Online media is appropriate due to its low cost, efficiency, and the organization’s target market. The author suggests a relationship be built using principles of customer loyalty, customer engagement, and CRM (customer relationship management). Moreover, meaning consumers associate with shopping and the influence of privacy legislation are assessed. This project recommends the use of questionnaires as part of an overall direct e-mail campaign in order to collect customer data. Building on existing customer profiles allows the organization to use targeted and effective marketing techniques in future campaigns. The use of viral marketing is also recommended as a strategy to grow market share. Specific tactics recommended are based on primary and secondary research and provide guidelines for industry best practices.
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Scholarly level
Member of collection
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