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More than a pretty good book idea: A self-publisher's perspective on development, marketing, and sales

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Thesis type
(Project Report) M.Pub.
Date created
This report introduces self-publishing through a di:xussion of why people choose to self-publish and illustrates the elements that contribute to a successful venture. As a case study of the self-published book More Than A Pretty Face, the paper employs analytical and practical segments that bring research, industry experience, observations, and analysis to the discussion. The report examines selfpublishing as it relates to the larger publishing industry and includes insights into editorial, design, printing, sponsorship, and pricing strategies. A marketing discussion centres on titles, sub-titles, cover copy, author events, publicity, and reviews. A subsequent section on sales and distribution reveals distribution tactics used in selling to libraries, directly to consumers, and bookstores, while touching on special sales, and subsidiary rights. The paper concludes with a financial review and analysis detailing the cost of goods and operational expenses for More Than A Pretty Face, along with a summary of the income statement.
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