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Moving towards sustainability in the Olympic games planning process

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Thesis type
(Thesis) M.A.
Date created
Past Olympic planning processes have taken particular tacks to improving the environmental outcomes of Olympic events. However, these approaches have all failed incorporate sustainability in their Olympic plans. This research examines the change from environmentalism towards sustainability in order to determine what is required for Olympic planning process that is sustainable, building from the lessons of past events, the promises of the Vancouver Bid Book and the expectations of residents and opinion leaders. Experience from past Olympic Games suggests that if Vancouver wants to fulfill its promise to be the first 'Sustainable Olympics', the Vancouver Organizing Committee will have to focus on five key categories: 1) engagement and partnerships, 2) promotion and education, 3) technology and production, 4) land use and waste management, and 5) urban policy and planning. However, in order to achieve sustainability, Vancouver will have to recognize good governance as a major aspect of sustainability.
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