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Author: Zhuoa, Dong Hao
Author: Rai, Ashish
Author: Vosoogh-Grayli, Siamack
Author: Leach, Gary W.
Author: Bahreyni, Behraad
We report the design, fabrication, and performance characteristics of a novel microfabricated light sensor designed to determine the intensity and direction of an incident light source. The device structure comprises several light sensors that are integrated onto a pyramid base. The direction to the light source is estimated using the ratios of the signals from the lights sensors that are facing different directions. We demonstrate that this “vector light sensor”, is capable of measuring both the intensity and the direction of light from a source. The three-dimensional structure of the sensor is created based on well-known silicon microfabrication techniques and uses photodiodes for the detection of visible light. The signals from the photodiodes were read and processed based on a simple algorithm to experimentally verify the device performance. In addition to the direction, the distance to a light source may be estimated by simple triangulation of data from two vector light sensors. The small size and low power consumption of the individual sensors make them suitable for applications where passive distance and direction estimation is required. Furthermore, it is envisioned that arrayed sensors can directly provide light-field information in a plane.
The full text of this paper will be available in August, 2022 due to the embargo policies of Sensors and Actuators. Contact to enquire if the full text of the accepted manuscript can be made available to you.
DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2020.112045
Published as
Zhuo, D. H., Rai, A., Vosoogh-Grayli, S., Leach, G. W., & Bahreyni, B. (2020). A micromachined vector light sensor. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 311, 112045.
Publication details
Publication title
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
Document title
A Micromachined Vector Light Sensor
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