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Suite dreams: Tools to expand the supply of affordable housing in northern Canada

Date created
Author: Saaed, Sarah
There is a severe shortage of affordable housing, as well as a demonstrated demand for such options. Unique cultural, regional and resource-based concerns specific to the North increase the complexity of building new housing in the regions. This study examined housing supply expansion challenges in the North. A proforma analysis of a sample affordable housing project was presented to show where the bulk of construction and development costs are concentrated. Three case studies were conducted to present successful and innovative financing, partnership and design housing expansion tools. The purpose of this case study is to gain insight into other tools that might be applicable to a rural context in northern regions. Following this, three policy options are analyzed for their applicability to the North. Based on this analysis, offsite construction, including both modular and prefabricated housing, coupled with a pilot program are recommended to address the lag in supply side housing expansion in the North.
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